At the event…


     1. Give the registration table a printout.

     2. Give each judge’s monitor his schedule, labels, and a yellow legal pad.

     3. Have each student arrive approximately one hour before his appointment.

     4. Upon arrival, the student should check in at the registration table; then proceed to the warm-up area.

     5. About 15 minutes before a student’s audition, he should wait outside the judge’s room.

                 Note: You’ll need to post judge room number’s in the waiting area.

     6. The monitor should have the student sign in on a yellow pad indicating the time of arrival.

                 Make sure the signature can be read.

     7. At the appropriate time, the room’s monitor should escort the student into the judging room.

     8. The monitor says to the judge(s), “This is student ID number 1045. Please write the number in the ID Box on the adjudication form, and bubble in the ID number underneath. “ If there is more than one judge in the room, add, “Also bubble in your judge number: 1 - 5.”

     9. At the conclusion of the performance, each judge should mark their adjudication form then check these items…

a) Is the judge number marked (multiple judges only)?

b) Is the ID number correctly bubbled?

c) Are there required lines left unmarked?

d) Are there lines that have more than one mark?

  10. As soon as the judges have completed marking the adjudication forms, collect the forms and, without letting the student see scores, have him sign the back of each adjudication card. This will serve as the final confirmation for whose card it is in case the ID number is bubbled in wrong.

  11. The monitor should check these items…

a) Is the judge number marked (multiple judges only)?

b) Is the ID number correctly bubbled?

c) Are there required lines left unmarked?

d) Are there lines that have more than one mark?

  11. If there are multiple judges, staple the cards together over the black words “Adjudication Form”.

                 Stapling anywhere else may cause problems for the Chatsworth Card Reader.

  12. Place the students ID label on the back of the adjudication card for judge number 1. Careful, do NOT wrinkle the label or allow it to wrap around to the front site. Either may render the card unreadable. Do not cover the signatures.

  13. Monitors should give completed cards to the roving gofer who will take the forms to the tally room.

  14. As the cards come in the tally room, have a card checker check these items…

a) Is the judge number marked (multiple judges only)?

b) Is the ID number correctly bubbled?

c) Are there required lines left unmarked?

d) Are there lines that have more than one mark?

   15. The card checker should remove the staples and hand the cards to the person running Audition Manager.

   16. The card should then be fed through the Chatsworth.

   17. Keep the cards for each student grouped together in case there should be a need to refeed the forms.

   18. Save often. After each feed, move the saved cards to another pile.

   19. When a category is finished, go to the “Results” window and print the results for that group.